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a match



1 housing situation survey
3 emotional stories

12 testimonies of a life change

the find a home that suits you campaign is the sequel to otodom
(olx group)
communication activities based on the matchmaking platform. its goal was to build awareness of otodom as a proven partner who will help you to find your place on earth.

we believe that this kind of support is crucial at the time of war, inflation
and recession, while the number of available units is going down
and higher loan costs and limited availability of them cause uncertainty
in the hearts of our customers.

being aware of the fact that possession of own house guarantees
a security for many poles, we built our storytelling in a way that encourages them to thinking boldly about the future in their new place.

kreatura 2023 - recognitions in film & campaign

art director: tomasz kartasiński
copywriter: radek dudzic
creative director: maciej porębski

director: bartosz dąbrowski

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